Mass Update Groups/Ensembles

Mass Updater Groups/Ensembles

How Do I access Mass Updating for Groups/Ensembles?

  • Tools > Mass updaters
  • Click "Attire/Uniforms"

How to Mass Update Groups/Ensembles:

1. Select an Ensemble from the drop-down menu

2. The Mass Updater with search filters will then appear below your selection

3. Within the search box start to choose fields to help narrow down your return field

  • Is it recommended that you start with Student/Member
  • Using the "All People" dropdown select Studnet/Member

4. You can select as many filter options as you would like to narrow down your return field

5. When you have finished with your filtering selections click "Filter assign list"

6. Your filtered selection will return below

7. Click "Add all" to assign all filtered results to the ensemble or "Add" next to each individual name to assign that member to the ensemble.

8. Assign the newly added members' positions if they need to be changed by using the dropdown next to their name

9. Repeat steps 3-8 until all Members are assigned to the Ensemble

10. Selections will save automatically. Select a new Group/Ensemble from the drop-down to continue updating.

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