Financials Module: Searching the Financial Ledger

  1. Go to the Financials Module: Ledger Page
  2. Search by:
    1. Name
    2. Obligation 
    3. Obligation Amount
    4. Also search by greater than, lesser than, or equal to whatever number is entered, rounding to the closest dollar amount.
    5. Reference
      1. Reference data is any information that is added to the Payment Reference field when an Admin receives a Payment for a Member.  This is most commonly the check number or other identifying number linked to the payment
    6. Date Range (Due Date Start and Due Date End)
      1.  It automatically defaults to showing all obligations with due dates in the last 6 months
    7. Ensemble
    8. Type (All - including Members with a $0.00, Past Due, and Open Balance)
      1. *Note: The default Search setting is for the Type: Open Balance.
    9. Or use the query Search by to search
  3. Then click "Details" next to the Member's Name that you want to select

Column Sort Feature:

Admins can sort their Search results by clicking on the column header box they want to sort by.

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