Financials Module: Linking Your Payment Processor to Cut Time

Linking to a Payment Processor

  1. Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page
  2. Select (Your Account) information on the top right hand side under Set up and configuration
  3. Fill in the Billing Address information for your Program that corresponds with whatever Payment Processor you use
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Go back to the Tools/Reports page
  6. Select Payment processing on the top right hand side under Set up and configuration
  7. Select Your Payment Processor:
    1. Option 1
      1. This option includes any Payment Processors that Cut Time is integrated with.
      2. Select the Processor that you use
      3. And connect your Processor
      4. For Example, if you use AffiniPay you would click on the AffiniPay logo
        1. Enter your Login information
        2. And allow Cut Time access
    2. Option 2
      1. If there is another Payment Processor that you use that is not listed in Option 1, you can copy and paste the URL information into Option 2
        1. For Example, you can enter your PayPal Account URL information
  8. Click "Save"
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