Financials Module: How to Apply Credits to an Obligation/Pledge

In order to use Credits from a Member's Credit Balance, they must be applied as a form of Payment by an Admin. They cannot be applied as a Payment by the Member themselves.

Credits do not apply towards Obligation/Pledge balances.

How to Apply Credits as a Form of Payment

  1. Go to the Financials Module: Ledger Page
  2. Search for the Member and click "Details" next to their name
  3. Click on the "Record payment" button at the top of the Member's Ledger screen 
  4. Enter the Date received
  5. In the Payment method drop down, you will want to select the "Misc. credit [$--.-- available]"
  6. In the white Payment boxes next to the various Financial Obligations/Pledges, enter the amount that you need to apply to the Obligation(s)/Pledge(s)
  7. Click "Save payment information"

*Note: You will see the amount entered effect the Amount listed above in the Payment method section. (Ex. shown below)

*Note: You will be able to log Payments across several Financial Obligations/Pledges in one sitting. You do not need to enter separate entries for each Obligation/Pledge you are applying Payment through Credits to.

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