Financials Module: Add New Obligations/Pledges

How to Add New Financial Obligations/Pledges

  1. Go to the Financials Module: Financial Obligations (or in certain states, Financial Pledges) Page.
  2. Click the "Add obligation" button.
  3. Enter the Name of your Obligation/Pledge, the Amount due, Due Date, and any Notes applicable.
  4. Choose the Academic Year that this Fee is applicable for. *(Tip: Set up the Obligations/Pledges for the upcoming year!).
  5. Choose the Account - AKA, who "owns this fee". 
  6. Note: This is not connecting to a bank account. This is only used to clarify who is requesting this fee; a High School, Booster Club, District, etc.
    1. You can Add/Manage the Accounts in the dropdown by clicking on the green "Add/Manage financial accounts".
  7. Click "Save".
  8. Then Assign Members to this Obligation/Pledge as it becomes applicable.

*(Tip: If you have a fee that is broken out into multiple payments with different due dates, create multiple obligations. For example: Spring Trip Payment #1 $50 due 7/07, Spring Trip Payment #2 $50 due 9/07, etc.) 

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