Financials Module: Delete Obligations/Pledges

  1. You can remove Financial Obligations (also known as Pledges, depending on your state) set up in your Cut Time Account.

*Note: You will only be able to Delete Obligations/Pledges that are not assigned to people.

How to Delete Financial Obligations/Pledges

  1. Go to the Financials Module: Financial Obligations Page.
  2. Click the red "Delete" button next to the Obligation/Pledge you want to remove.
  3. Click the "OK" button in the popup window to confirm deletion. *NOTE: ONCE YOU CONFIRM, THIS OBLIGATION/PLEDGE IS PERMANENTLY DELETED.

Removing Members From an Obligation/Pledge in Order to Delete the Fee

  1. Click "Update" next to the Obligation/Pledge you need to remove Members from
  2. Click "People required to pay this obligation"
  3. Any Member who hasn't made Payments towards this Obligation/Pledge will have a $0.00 balance listed and a red "Remove" button. Click "Remove".
  • *Note: If you are trying to remove Members that have logged Payments towards an Obligation/Pledge, you will need to remove all Payments related to this Obligation/Pledge in their Financial Ledger Details Page. Then you will need to remove that Obligation/Pledge from the Member's Ledger Details page in order to do so. 
  • (How to delete Obligations/Pledges on a Member's Ledger Details Page)
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