Financials Module: Assign Obligations/Pledges to Members

Once you have created the new Obligation/Pledge, you can assign it to your Members as applicable.

How to Assign Members to an Obligation/Pledge 

  1. Go to the Financials Module: Financial Obligations (or depending on your state, Financial Pledges) Page.
  2. Click the "Update" button next to the Obligation/Pledge you want to Add Members to.
  3. Click the "People required to pay this obligation" (or Pledge) button to Add Members.
  4. Use the various filters to narrow down what Members you can choose from:
    1. Academic Year
    2. People Type (All, Parent, Student/Member, or Instructor/Staff)
    3. Ensembles
    4. Positions
    5. Grade Level
    6. Gender
    7. And click "Filter assign list".
  5. Click either "Add all", or the "Add" button next to the name(s) that need to be added to this Obligation/Pledge.
  6. If you added a name that you would like to remove, click the "Delete" button next to their name in the list.
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