Inventory Module: Process a Repair Request

Track and update repair requests submitted by members.

  1. From your Profile Page, scroll down to Inventory: Repair Requests to review requests submitted by your members. 
  2. Click on View Request.
    If you update any information on this request, it will be removed from your dashboard view. You will be able to view your requests from the Inventory menu.

  3. Review the Update Repair History box.
  4. Enter the Repair Date once the item is fixed.

View requests from the Inventory menu

  1. Click on the Inventory menu to view requests.
  2. Click the Update button next to the item with a repair request.

  3. Scroll down to the Repair History for [item] and click on the member's name in the Requested by column.

  4. Review the Update Repair History box.
  5. Enter the Repair Date once the item is fixed.
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