Financials Module: Receive Payments in Mass

  1. Go to the Financials Module: Receive Payments Page
  2. Select a Financial Obligation/Pledge from the dropdown list.
  3. You have the choice to either enter the Payment information for individuals, or set batch Payments:
    1. For Individual Member Payments
      1. Find the Member in the listing
      2. Select the Date they made this Payment
      3. Select the Method of Payment
      4. Add any Check References or Notes into Reference
      5. Check their Balance on this Obligation/Pledge
        *Note: If they have a Balance listed that is LESS than the Amount you go to enter, this will be considered an "overpayment" and will list their Balance in parentheses. 
        (Ex. If the Amount Paid entered was $500, but they only owe $360, then their Balance for this Obligation/Pledge will be listed as "$(140)").
        That overpayment will NOT be listed as a line of Credit, only that there is a positive Balance on this Obligation/Pledge.
      6. Enter the Amount Paid
      7. Click "Save payment information"
    2. For batch Payments:
      1. Enter the set Amount every Member paid into the top middle box
      2. Click "Set amount"
      3. Set the collective majority form of Payment as Cash or Check in the top right dropdown
      4. Click "Set type"
      5. Select the Date that this Payment was collected on
      6. Click "Set date"
      7. Add any Reference notes next to the Member listing; typically a Check Reference Number
      8. *NOTE: If there are Members who did NOT pay towards this Obligation/Pledge, remove the amount listed in the Amount Paid box next to their Name BEFORE your Save this Payment information so that they are not included in this batch Payment.
      9. Click "Save payment information" when you are ready to record this Payment for your Members
  4. Once you have Saved this batch Payment, this information will be logged on the Members' Individual Ledger Pages.
    If there were Members who are now considered "Paid in Full" after this Payment, then when you go back to this Obligation/Pledge, you won't see their Names listed.
    (See Ex. shown below)

*Note: The "Clear default amount" from form and "Clear default type from form" buttons will reset the form.

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