Assignments Module: Create a New Assignment

  1. Go to Assignments.
  2. Click "Add Assignment".

  3. Enter the name of the assignment in the Assignment Title field.
  4. Enter a brief description of the assignment.
  5. Click the Date Assigned calendar to choose the assignment date.
  6. Click the Date Due calendar to set the last date to accept the assignment.
  7. Click the Year list to select which roster to have access.
  8. Select the Assignment type from the drop-down list.
  9. Enter a detailed description in the Assignment field.
  10. Enter instructions or additional information in the Instructions field.
  11. Click "Save".

How to assign people:

When creating a new Assignment, add the ensemble members who must complete the Assignment on the next screen. This is not required at this time, assigning members can happen at any time.

  1. Click the Assign To drop-down list to show a roster year.
  2. Select Members from the list.
  3. Scroll down and "Save".
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