Navigating in Cut Time: Inventory Module

In the Inventory Module, you can manage your instrument and equipment inventory, attire inventory, and music library


The instrument inventory page ( Inventory>Instruments/Other) allows you to view and manage your instruments and other miscellaneous equipment. You can filter your results using the Search box.

In the results table, you can see a record of your instruments

  • Item is the type of equipment (instrument or otherwise)
  • Case number can be added to an instrument if applicable
  • Location refers to the instrument's permanent storage location
    • *NOTE: if an instrument is checked out to a student or out for repair, the location should not change. Location indicates where an instrument can be found when it is being stored.
  • Assigned to shows the student to whom the instrument or equipment is assigned, while Assigned tells you the date it was assigned
  • Returned gives you either a Return button (if the instrument is currently checked out) or a date (if the instrument has been returned)

Clicking Update will allow take you to an instrument's individual item page, where you can edit its data


The attire page ( Inventory>Attire) allows you to view and manage your uniforms. You can filter your results using the Search box.

In the results table, you can see a record of your uniforms

  • Category is the highest-level identifier for a uniform item
  • Item is the type of uniform item
  • Gender refers to the gender of the item, when applicable (i.e. male vs. female-cut marching band bibbers)

Music Library

The music library page ( Inventory>Music Library) allows you to view and manage your music library. You can filter your results using the Search box.

In the results table, you can see a record of your music library

  • Title refers to the title of the piece
  • Category is the highest-level identifier for a piece
  • Instrument/Voice is a more specific identifier for a piece
  • QTY is the quantity of the piece in your library (i.e. the number of octavos in the library for a choral piece)
  • Grade is the difficulty level of the piece
  • View on J.W. Pepper links you directly to with the piece's title and arranger entered as the search terms

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