Volunteers: Edit Volunteer Opportunities

How to Edit Volunteer Opportunities

  1. Go to the Calendar Module: Volunteer Opportunities Page.
  2. Scroll down the Volunteer Opportunities list to locate the Opportunities you need to Update.
  3. Click on the "Update" button next to the first Opportunity you need to change.
  4. Update the Activity from the drop-down list if necessary. 
    1. *Note: You may need to Add or Edit the appropriate Activity first if it is not on the list. (See How).
  5. Change the Date if the Event (and the need for Volunteers) spans two or more days.
  6. Update the Start Time and duration for Volunteers if necessary
  7. Enter or Update the Notes field.
  8. Click the "Update this opportunity" button.

*Note: Any Updates will only be applied to this one instance. You will have to repeat this action to Update each Volunteer Opportunity created for this Event.

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