Mass Update Email Addresses

How to Mass Update Email Addresses

  1. Go to Tools Module: Mass Updaters Page.
  2. Click on Email addresses.
  3. Narrow down your Search by using the various Filters:
    1. Ensemble
    2. Position
    3. Students Name
    4. Search
    5. Scanning a Student's Barcode
  4. Enter the Email Address.
  5. *Note: All Email Addresses entered will AUTO Save as you tab through the Updater. (They will update in green).
  6. *Note: There may only be ONE Email Address per Student/Member name.

How to Move Between Mass Updaters Quickly:

  1. Administrators have the ability to keep the filtered group of Students/Members they are working with and move between:
    • Telephone Numbers
    • Email Addresses
    • Home Addresses
  2. Administrators simply select from the drop down menu to move between Mass Updaters to work with the selected group of Student/Members

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