End of Year Process: Clone Ensembles Into Next year

Cloning Ensembles/Groups allows you to "copy" your Ensemble data from one Year to the next, maintaining Student/Member data.  

*Note: Once the Ensemble/Group is Cloned to the next Year you are able to simply Remove or Add Students/Members as needed.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Go to the People Module: Rosters Page.

  2. Select the Ensemble/Group and Year that you want to view.

  3. Click "Run".
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the yellow "Clone this ensemble" button.

  5. A dialog box appear underneath asking you to verify the Year you will Clone.
  6. Once you have verified that you are Cloning the Ensemble/Group to the correct Year, click on the green "Clone this ensemble" button.

  7. The new Ensemble/Group will appear on the screen in the updated School Year that you have just Cloned to.
  8. You may now use the red "Remove" buttons to take Students/Members out of this Ensemble/Group as needed.

  9. *Note: This will only Remove them from this Ensemble NOT your Cut Time Account!
  10. You may also use the yellow "Add people" button to add new Students/Members to this Ensemble/Group.

Move to the next generation of Cut Time!

CutTime is moving to the next iteration of the system, Cut Time next generation, and the Classic system will no longer be supported after August 30th.

This means that you'll want to make the move to the NEW CutTime before Summer Break.

Once your end of year close is completed in the ‘Classic’ CutTime system, we strongly recommend that you export all of your files. Next, set aside time to set up your NEW CutTime account.

Check out more information and what this means for you here.

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